Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Moving house...

Phu` phu`... now i'm moving to another new place - not called home since there's only 1 "home sweet home" in my heart.^^
Hey ya... I called the room where I'd been last year "rat hole".. I'll miz ya a lot, my dear. I dun't know since the first time i've been in UK, you're seemed my only friend I got. I found no-one here then i just lived in my own world. hixx hixxx. that's too lonely, isn't that? God blesses you, i overcome all finally and hold my future then. ==.^^

Hey my "rat-hole"... What did u leave in my heart - what's the mark u give me so far?
................................................... warm sleeping....................................
................................tears (missed exam, miss my mom, lonely, trouble w maza)..................
...........................................one month w Dark monster..............................
....................................... overnight w some friends...................................................
...........................................the only audience of my piano..................................

P/s: Ngày mai move rùi đấy, hem hỉu chi mừ tui nhớ nhớ nó thế nào thế nhỉ? Hay tại vì lười move đồ nên mún ở lại đây lunn??? Mừ seo tui cứ hay thix phủ định trái tim tui hem nhỉ? Tim nghĩ jey lè não tui bác bỏ lại ngayy..hix hixx. Này em, tui sẽ cảm thấy khác lắm đấy.

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