Tuesday, 22 July 2008

8 people in my flat>...............<.....lol... (die!!!)
50 Eli charged if i change to any other rooms.... lol... (can't survive again)

How can it be??????? Fuckingg you guys.............that old f** officers............ Poor me!!! huhuu... Just really hope they're good students and all freshers dun't do anything make me crazy. Hey ya, even I dun't really like that extremely small kitchen (as small as the one for 6 pp...lol..), i still see some of hope there as follow:
1. Talking to many pp... Among many pp, i can choose the one who is the most suitable for me to make close friends.^^o^^
2. My room is not really next the kitchen and the hall - the way in the flat I mean is really narrow then nobody can gather in there and make me annoyed.. :">

3. The chance to speak increase much much more...
4. My room there is really large and I feel good to be there. The space is enough for my beloved elec. keyboard.^^ You're always my first priority, my dear...he'he'..:">
5. If I can't suffer that flat, i still get the chance to move to another house - if i change now, i'm still charged for 50Eli....lol......TToTT...
Thus, i should not worry too much for this room.! Hope it's ok for next year which is a very important year in my life. Have a good moving day..kkaka..luv u all..:">

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