Thursday 24 July 2008

First day of new place

Hey guys....
I'm in my friend's house at the moment. I've got tired from moving house whole day but it's always nice and happy to get other's help if u have any difficulty in life, isn't it?
Bruuu, the new place is quite nice except the fact that i can't access Internet by my dear laptop - my Mimi. hixx hixx...:(".. how can you leave me that disappointment then???
Suddenly I think if you have a partner to live together and share what you meet in life , it would be very great then, wouldn't it? In order to live like that, sometimes you should accept the rule of world that no one in the world is perfect and make you happy always. The point is that the level of allowing your friends' bad points and ability of tolerance decide whether you've got the close relationship to that one... :">
Anyway, I still come to work tomorrow and leave this blog blank for 3 days. If any friends find my blog then plz remember as long as I luv you, i'll let you understand a bit of mine. Luv u guys...chut chut...:*

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